Start Poker Conference: Business Conference for Online Poker Legislation
California State Senator Florez
California State Sentator Dean Florez
Legislative Speaker

The Honorable State Senator Florez is of the main drivers behind the legislation. At the StartPoker Conference, Sen Florez will discuss how the legislation is developing for January 2010. >more
Professor I. Nelson Rose
I. Nelson Rose
Legal Expert

Professor I. Nelson Rose is a Distinguished Senior Professor of Law at Whittier Law School and one of the top 4 expert legal authorities on Online Gaming Law and Online Poker Law. Professor Rose will describe how California can enact this legislation and how companies can be involved. >more
The Start Poker Conference is a business event allowing for
California State govermment, Indian tribal leaders, Card
Room executives and business networking. Utilizing a neutral
and a pragmatic style, the event will cover in depth the
pending legislation. It will also cover on what will be the expected procedures
for online poker licensing. Existing Poker Software available
on the market will be illustrated as well.
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largest internet gaming related trade shows and conferences
for the gaming industry.

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